13 Maggio 2024
course: Home

About us

Vogue Finish Tannery is a leading company in the production of patent leather, with over 50 years of experience in the sector and a team of highly qualified directors that supervise the production cycle, employing the most modern technology.

The result is a product that is both up-to-date and of the highest quality, unique of its kind and aimed at a selected and prestigious clientele, consisting for the most part of the most important nationale and international brands.

The point of departure in the manufacture of our articles is the prime raw cow hides that are chosen from the international markets that are most renowned for quality (Europe, New Zeland, etc.), and then are subjected to further selection by our own personnel during the working process.

The production cycle of the company is orgnaised with great care and precision and is supervised at every stage by qualified company personne. Particular attention is paid to ensure respect for the ever increasingly stringent laws concerning the protection of the environment. This is made possible by our use of technology that is of the most advanced available.

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